In 2017, being an artist isn’t as black and white as it used to be—we aren’t just painters and poets anymore. We’re curators, writers, creative directors, photographers, and many things in between. Thanks to recent opportunities and trades sprouting from new technology in this digital age, creative individuals have been able to express themselves and find work in a wide array of fields.

In your years of school and working as a professional, how many times have you thrown around the term, “networking?” What does this even normally entail? Where do these events take place? Think about the redundancy of events you’re imagining and how effective they’ve really been in elevating your career. I’m not saying this traditional approach to getting your name out there doesn’t work, but for some, there are some less conventional ways to network.

You could have all the experience and skills perfect for a position, but if you blow the interview, get ready for an email in your inbox with the subject, “Thank you for your time, but…” If the interview is conducted in person, on Skype, or over the phone, I’m here to help you knock it out the park!

With 500 million users, LinkedIn should be any professional’s go-to digital networking platform. On LinkedIn, users have the ability to connect with other professionals in or outside of their industries, find new jobs, get scouted for new jobs, join interest groups, and much more. To be effective on LinkedIn, you must have a strong profile and presence, so don’t be shy and feel free to showcase yourself in a manner worth getting noticed by other leaders on the site.

How many times are you going to list “employee of the month” on your resume? It’s a competitive job market out there, and being a loyal employee who sits at their cubicle from 9–5 Monday through Friday, doesn’t quite stand out anymore. Spend a few evenings or days during the week outside of work not watching Netflix—it’ll pay off, and Stranger Things isn’t going anywhere.

Guess what—whether you know it or not, you are marketing your own lifestyle brand to family, friends, peers, and outsiders on a daily basis. From your outfit to your lingo, anything projected to others will contribute to how they perceive your lifestyle and personal brand. Whether or not this is a priority will vary from person to person depending on their social or professional goals. With the advent of the World Wide Web, there are many more channels and opportunities available to market ourselves, and to be effectively noticed, we should be leveraging most digital and traditional channels.

In the digital age, we sometimes forget about the more traditional forms of marketing, but press releases are still a necessary component of ensuring your successes are made known to the right audiences through different channels you don’t have direct access to. They are key to earned media.

These past few years, the term “women in the workplace” has been nearly omnipresent in the news, political movements, social media, and other channels. Whether we want to call it a movement or not, women are taking the workforce by storm, and we should stand up, stand out, and shine doing what we do best.