Mobile Marketing Holiday Guide

Did you know that more than 50 percent of web traffic comes from mobile users? There’s no question that mobile marketing is one of the most important tools to take advantage of for your holiday campaigns. Let’s look at some strategies that you can put into place today!

Fun Holiday Messaging

 The usage of emojis may sound silly to some businesses, but people respond to these! When utilizing a text message promotion, your message should feel like a text message conversation and not a hard advertisement. We would recommend adding emojis or your most creative messaging right before your ultimate call to action. The goal is to get users to register for a deal or visit a landing page.

Target Individuals

 Do you have a list of email addresses or phone numbers that commonly respond to promotions? We always recommend to base mobile marketing on what the individual consumer responds to. It would make sense to send your more engaged customers one type of message, and your casual customers a different version. Customizing the holiday message that is right for them may take twice as much work, but can mean twice the profit.

Add Value to Mobile

Black Friday may be over, but deals don’t have to be. Create value with your mobile services by letting your audience know that the specials being sent to them are exclusive. When people feel like there is value to the service they are participating in, they are going to be more engaged with your brand.


Does your text message service allow your users to sign up for alerts? If so, alerts are an extremely powerful tool to engage the more regular customer. This can allow them to know when that holiday product that was out of stock is now in stock, or reminders about your restaurant having a themed event tonight. Just like social media marketing or email marketing, text messages are a way to continue the conversation with your consumer for an advertising price that is not extreme. Use alerts to keep the conversation alive.

Looking for other holiday marketing tips? Find me on Facebook.

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