Social Media Marketing Rules for Success

Social Media Marketing Rules for Success

There was a day when your company would be well ahead of the competition by doing any social media posting at all. Those days are long gone, as most businesses have jumped on the social media train for the long haul. But are they doing it right? Are you doing it right? Get in front of your competition and leave them in the dust with these social media strategies!

Social Media Strategies

  1. Post Frequency

Okay this is probably the simplest tip you’re going to get, but it’s true! Many people seem to find themselves “too busy” to operate social media regularly. This is no longer a viable option. With “social media manager” becoming a trendy American job, have you hired one or given someone split duties? Having a regular poster on Facebook can help get your page’s algorithm functioning properly. Once the page starts to be consumed with original content, more and more eyes will see it. Even if five posts in a row get minimal traction, it isn’t a reason to give up. People will see your content, and you can never predict who will convert into your next big customer.

  1. Utilize Design

A lot of companies will post random links, random pictures, and really just be random in general. Mixing and matching designed pictures, memes, GIFs, and other options will elevate your brand’s look. Try this: Scroll through all your social media channels on your phone. See which posts are making you stop, and understand those are likely the type that needs to be on your page!

  1. Steal Ideas

There is no shame in emulating successful pages and using their ideas. It should be a goal of your social media manager to be monitoring key pages each week and bringing those ideas back to your marketing team! Obviously you will want to tailor these ideas for your company.

  1. Keep Things Loose

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are specifically designed to be fun. Traditional advertising rarely works on these mediums without heavy dollars applied. Is your messaging relatable to users and not overly serious? A middle ground needs to be established that is both fun and informative. Mix and match your posts with both approaches. See social media as being the approachable person at the bar. Smiling faces, light-hearted jokes, and a good conversation is much more likely to engage your users.

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